Best Checklist for You – What to Wear on TV Checklist Free Download!

Access my free downloadable What to Wear on TV Checklist. This checklist is for essential insights on how to present yourself and choose the perfect attire when facing the camera.

Elevate your on-screen presence with expert tips curated to enhance your confidence and visual impact. This checklist is your go-to resource for mastering the art of camera-ready styling.

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We’d be thrilled to cater to your styling needs. Contact Moana now! Look, feel, B your best!

Shopboard and Moana’s Guest TV Appearance

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Explore my What to Wear on TV Shopboard showcasing the garments, shoes, colours, and accessories I featured as a guest on The Girlfriend Hour® TV Segment.


the Sassy Stylist
creative style personality

Creative Style Personality

Creative Style Personality is all about creativity and innovation.

Creative Style Personality: Art Gives Meaning to our Lives
A Creative Style Personality person prefers to wear artistic clothes and accessories! The world would never be the same without their imaginative minds. Fabrics and colours are essential. The outfit is never ordinary.

Exotic Prints
Roberto Cavalli is a creative style personality. This designer is known for exotic

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o body shape

All About Body Shapes: O Body Shape

O Body Shape is beautiful. Look confident and great! Do not cover the body. Show off your neckline, forearms and your great legs.

Goal for O Body Shape
The size of your body can be your asset. Add structure to your body. Make the top part attractive.

Seductive Looks for O Body Shape
Longer tops balance the body shape. The fabric should not cling to the skin. Keep everything looking feminine and fresh.

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what is your style type

What is your Style Type?

Your Style Type is different to your Style Personality.

It is much deeper and gives you an understanding of how you think and feel about style. The report gives you a deep understanding of your personal relationship with style and the best way for you to travel your authentic style pathway. The 16 Style Type report you receive is included in your Style Session.

Many women don’t understand why they struggle with style.

Yes, it is important to know the colours that highlight your skin, hair, and eyes. Yes, it is important to know your body shape. Many women think this is the magic answer to “Style”. As a life coach and NLP Practitioner Moana truly believes the most powerful way to know your style is to truly know yourself from the inside out.

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Couple looking at each other asking why it is it important for people to look at your eyes

Why Is It Important For People To Look At Your Eyes?

Why is it important for people to look at your eyes? Looking at someone’s eyes is an important part of communication and social interaction. Here are a few reasons why:  Eye contact signals engagement and interest: When you make eye contact with someone, it shows that you are paying attention to them and interested in what they are saying or doing. This can help build trust and rapport with the other person.

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What to Wear with Weight Gain in Menopause

When women go through body changes during menopause, it’s common for their bodies to undergo various changes, including shifts in weight distribution and body shape. It’s essential to embrace and accept your changing body. Remember that every body shape is unique and beautiful in its own way. Develop a positive body image and focus on dressing to enhance your best features. 

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X Body Shape

All About Body Shapes: X Body Shape

Every BODY is Beautiful. — X Body Shape

X Body Shape resembles the letter. Some stylists or image consultants often call this an “hourglass” shape. The X shape is so feminine and curvy, often with a large bust, slim waist, and curvy hips.

X Body Shape vs 8 Body Shape
If you have a defined waist, you might have an X-Body Shape. Some people are confused between X Body Shape and 8 Body Shape. Both of them are known as “hourglass” shapes. Except, X Body Shape has a gradual curve above and below the waist to the widest part of the hip.

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